Monday, February 3, 2014

Cover reveal!!!!!

Hey there everyone! Sorry I've been busy working on getting Giving In prepared for the release. I'd love to share the cover with you. Set to release February 28th! Make sure you add it to your Good Reads TBR list. Here's the link!

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Hey there everyone! Welcome to my Blog! I'm new to this but I've been wanting to do this for a while! I've always wanted to share my feelings on books, the ones I love, the authors I stalk, and just to talk with people who feel the same way about books as I do! They have changed my life and I'm so grateful for all the gifts the wonderful authors (Especially Indie Ones) have given me. Now I'm on my writing journey! I have published 3 books since November 2012 and my latest, set to release in March 2014, is currently in the hands of my editor. I'm so excited about this new series and I can't wait to share this new story with everyone!!!